Mental Log

19/10/2021 by Starry Kong

I had a dream today:

I went back to my hometown to take care of my grandpa before everything happened.

He was still healthy, he only had a cough sometimes.

I asked him to drink 5 cups of water every day to help him recover soon.

I started to think he could escape from death this time,

and felt a bit relieved.

But suddenly I woke up,

and realised everything was in vain.

27/06/2021 by Starry Kong

‘it feels like i’m watching my life happen through a fuzzy television screen. i feel far away from this world. almost foreign in this body. as if every happy memory has been wiped clean from the bowl of my mind. i close my eyes and i can’t remember what happy feels like. my chest collapses into my stomach knowing that i have to get up in the morning and pretend i’m not fading away all over again. i want to reach out and touch things. i want to feel them touch me back. i want to live. i want the vitality of my life back.’

—— rupi kaur <home body>

06/04/2021 by Starry Kong


things are not like what you thought:

‘What has passed is the past, life is completely new’.

It may have already corroded your body, your soul,

become the trauma, like a tumour. 

Then it comes out without any precaution, into your nightmare,

and let you experience the pain,

again and again and again. 










27/11/2019 by Starry Kong

They snipped off my wings,

but still expect me to fly high. 

They cut me in pieces,

but still want me to live a full life. 





11/11/2019 by Starry Kong

2019 is the 10th year that I have been living with depression. Aside from facing the inexpressible pains given by it which may explode anytime, and dealing with plenty of uncontrollable daily side-effects brought by my medication, because of the invisibility and stigmatisation of mental disease, experiencing misunderstanding and rejection is also a part of life.

During the past 10 years, I’d not only had doubts about being alive and existent thousands of times, lost interest in my favourite hobby, burst into tears at midnight without reason, wished euthanasia could be legal for depression, and kept begging I would no longer wake up on next day; but also, I’d always been blamed for my negativity, not understood by families and friends for many years, rejected by people that I tried so hard to get acceptance, and given up by the person I loved and seen as the spiritual pillar…

I have always been living in a Black Hole, and I don’t know how long I still need to stay.

At times, I begin to see the stars. Even though there are not many, and they are so tiny, they are bright and stunning, right there, shining on me. You, each one of you, who have accepted me, loved me, supported me, encouraged me, helped me, guided me, listened to me, or been kind to me, you are the stars in my firmament, the stars who keep me alive.





你,你們 —— 接受了如此不堪的我並依舊選擇給予愛、給予支持和鼓勵、給予幫助和引導、給予聆聽和善意的你,你們,就是我黑暗夜空里的星星。

09/01/2019 by Starry Kong

I have been trying to live in my own world, because every single piece of the real human world that is called “reality” would always stick to me painfully, and make me feel hopeless. That’s why I can’t help but stay away from those people who are too realistic.

But sometimes I still could not fully escape. Those pieces slip into you everywhere from people who are close to you. I know many people just cared about me and didn’t have any intentions, and I do know I could not always stay in my own tower of ivory, but I really just want to be simple and pure. I don’t want to put so much effort to think about how to have an easier life in this human society, and I honestly don’t care about what if I was fucked.

If I died then I died, I don’t have anything that cannot be put down.